
tierra (1) 5U4A6867 Dalila Community College (1)

The Starfish Foundation helps young women go to college, graduate, and give back to their communities. Help us support their dreams.

$50 = school supplies for one semester 
$100 = gas money to get a scholar to and from school for a month
$250 = a month of meals for one young woman
$500 = a semester’s worth of books
$1,000 = the cost of one class
$10,000 = full semester of education for a young woman in need

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You can also send a check or money order payable to: Soledad O’Brien and Brad Raymond Starfish Foundation. Mail your tax-deductible donation to the following address:

Starfish Foundation
134 West 26th Street
Suite 1150
New York, New York 10001